If you are looking for a leather fire helmet there are multiple pieces of information that you should consider in order to choose the right one.
First is the brand. There are only about 3 brands of leather firefighter helmets in the United States. 1 has been around for nearly 100 years. 1 is relatively new. The other however is Phenix Fire Helmets. Since 1972 Phenix has been manufacturing the lightest, most comfortable leather fire helmet in the world.
Firefighter helmets require quality and durability. When you are spending several hundred dollars on a fire helmet that will sometimes last an entire career, then you should purchase something that is going to last. At Phenix, quality comes first! Each helmet is carefully inspected before it leaves the factory for any and all quality issues.
Leather fire helmets have long been known to be heavy. Not much has changed in leather works since 1900. But at Phenix, a comfortable helmet is a helmet that doesn't give you that pain between your shoulders after a long shift. Weighing nearly half that of it's closest competitors (Cairns N6A) the Phenix TL2 Leather Fire Fighter Helmet weighs nearly 55 ounces. At the end of the shift, you won't feel like you have had a cinder block on your head.
Leather Helmets are about PRIDE! Phenix Fire Helmets is the ONLY helmet manufacturer that offers custom name stamping on the back of the helmet. They have been doing this for YEARS and no one else. Get your name, your nickname, your departments name or logo stamped or etched on the rear brim of the helmet.
The lead time is the best! For a custom helmet to leave the factory as quick as Phenix does, it's truly impressive. Less than 16 weeks to build YOUR helmet. YOUR WAY!
Go here or contact us at 1-800-646-1086 to order your Firefighter Leather Helmet today!